Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

The driving belief of NCERT patch drafting the NCERT Science curriculum and books has always been to wage students with education touchable that is ‘true to life, true to child and true to science’ . The NCERT has been publishing NCERT Science book books with noesis that reflects this philosophy.

To make the process of conceptual understanding and acquisition systematic,NCERT has divided the whole NCERT Science curriculum from grade 1 to XII into various levels.

These levels focus on the progressively incremental nature of the noesis acquiring process that emphasizes a sequential building of concepts.

A acquisition process that is sequential in nature helps students understand the concepts easily and also leads to a better possession of the studied touchable as it fits into the noesis schema that already exists with the child. This helps students to efficiently master all important concepts particularly in the in sciences and maths.

At the first level, that is the primary verify , the focus is on ‘exploration’. Here the students are encouraged to explore the world. Through the various activities and practical exercises in the

NCERT Science books, the students are encouraged to gain noesis finished hands-on experience. For example in the primary classes patch teaching about trees, the students are asked to collect assorted type of leaves and prepare a piece book with the names of each of the leaves.

Once a student passes finished the first verify the next is the upper primary level. Here the stress is on acquisition by involving the students in group discussions with peers, performing simple experiments etc. Under the ‘Extended Learning’ activities in NCERT Science books, the students are guided to explore more aggregation about the topics already studied.

Once the required aggregation is concentrated a room communicating following it helps to concretizing the acquisition and fills the gaps. A group communicating facilitates cushy exchange of information. For example, in the NCERT Science book for Class VII an activity in the Chapter ‘Nutrition in Plants’, asks students to meet a edifice and notice how plants are raised.

They are also asked to collect additional aggregation on the regulation of light, water and CO2 and discuss the same with the classmates.
The next verify is the secondary level. Under this verify the onus is on acquisition finished modern modules of acquisition in NCERT Science books.

Various initiatives such as the National Talent Search Exam, National Science Exhibitions etc are also designed to assess the apprehension of theoretical principles and their practical applications. For competitions like these, the whole syllabus is based on the NCERT Science curriculum.

Fourth and the terminal verify is the higher secondary level. In this level, Science is promoted and taught as a discipline. Under this terminal level, Science as a composite subject is bifurcated into three to four assorted subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology. Students studying NCERT Science verify up their respective streams and combinations.

The NCERT Science Books for these classes focuses on serving students master each subject individually so that students pursue higher studies in Science and may even verify up the field of Science professionally.